The man looks nothing like the picture she’d seen & on top of that he’s arrogant & just plain strange. She leaves annoyed and feeling discouraged. Matt isn’t exactly who he claimed to be when Marie met him, but he has a perfectly good explanation for his strange behavior during their date. It turns out Matt is Professor Matt Simmons, a computer scientist who’s working on building an AI, essentially a robot, to replace human interactions.

I know that some of you might find it frustrating as it does take most of the book for them to get together but I loved the ride. The two enter an agreement where each will help the other with their career assignments. This wonderfully weird couple will explore together the modern age aspects of dating and/or the solutions to today’s humans loneliness. His questions often come out of the blue and oftentimes the conversations they trigger are like a 1-2 punch where it hurts most. The reason behind his avoidance of relationships and his research and development of AI was terribly painful. Unfortunately, the solace of her knitting circle is invaded by none other than Matt shortly after.

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The slow build to the steam was almost agonizing but well worth the wait and suffering once the passion finally ignited between the main characters. ▸The characters are imperfect and flawed therefore very relatable. Perhaps it’s because I could relate so completely to Marie but this has to be my favourite so far in the Knitting in the City series.

Marie and Matt made me laugh and broke my heart over and over and I couldn’t get enough. It’s a testament to some wonderful writing that even though we only get Marie’s voice for most of the book, I still managed to feel everything right along with Matt. And the let me tell you I never craved a cuddle like I craved one with Matt reading this book.

Dating-ish: A Friends to Lovers Romance

Her hands rested on the only other chair at my table and she gazed at me with an affable, expectant smile. And he’s not at all the person she thought he was. Again, I was overwhelmed with emotions while listening to Dating-ish. Penny Reid writes amazing and original characters that you can’t help but love. I had to socialise, act happy and be effervescent when my book world was in an uproar and my heart was broken.

Six foot three with a well-maintained beard, great smile, gray eyes, tan complexion, and short hair. He didn’t work out regularly-which was great, because that meant he didn’t expect me to work out either-but enjoyed some outdoorsy activities. Thanks to the author for generously providing me an ARC to review. Beyond the thinking and the questioning she made me fall in love.

Dating-Ish is certainly no exception to the rule, happy feels were found, yarn was fashionably crafted around drinks, and characters revealed facets unbeknownst to them before. Funny, witty, quirky, sexy as hell, emotional and beautifully captivating, I devoured Dating-ish in one sitting. No one writes romance like Penny Reid. Each story is truly one of a kind. Created by an author who isn’t afraid to use words which stretch the mind and cause us to think while reading… It is no secret I am a died in the wool lover of anything Reid.

Turns out he’s Fiona’s neighbor but he’s also known Fiona for a long time since she used to babysit him when he was a young boy. Matt and Marie’s romance is a decadent slow burn. A sizzling, heart stopping, chest aching, belly tingling, goose-bump inducing, soul searing, slow burn. They start off disliking each other and then it shimmies into this sweet friendship that developes into so much more. It’s WELL PACED. Everything in this novel has a purpose, a reason.

Marie isn’t too disappointed since the guy is as gorgeous as a male supermodel. A little misunderstanding has Marie running for the hills and declaring Matt a psycho. And since fate sometimes has to step in to steer people in the right direction, Marie runs into Matt again during one of her knitting get-togethers at Fiona’s apartment.

Dating-ish:A Friends to Lovers Romance

She treats them like she wants them to read relevant material that is not only entertaining but also informative. Penny has respect for her readers, and it shows in every book she writes–including, to my very delight, Dating-ish. Professor Matthew Simmons stole my heart. He was undeniably funny, wickedly smart and weird.

It had a craving for everything to me. THIS BOOK PAIN. A good deal. There’s nothing else strategy to state it.

She decides to go for it when the response comes back right away all friendly…They make a date for coffee. As Marie sits, pretending to read a book she grabbed at the bookstore across the street just before entering the coffeehouse…she looks around at all of the people. And Marie…she is a terrific character… She is someone who has figured out what she loves to do; discovering stories and telling them for others to learn from… Marie and Matt become unlikely friends. Something far beyond friendship.