Sprinkle facts and opinions about any topic at all into your conversation with a Scorpio guy. He’ll be fascinated by the breadth of your knowledge and curious about how your brain works.Cliché tricks like reading or journaling in public will catch a Scorpio’s eye. He’ll be dying to know what you’re working on.

She gets her excitement by going somewhere or doing something. He stores these bits of trivia in his head like a collection, and he takes them out in conversation allowing him to talk intelligently with almost anyone. On the other hand, he doesn’t have the attention span to study any subject in any depth. Their relationship may be an unconventional one, such as an open relationship, or one in which they don’t live together. Even though they are opposites, in many ways, they act very much alike, particularly with respect to relationships. On the other hand, while their relationship may be lively and fun, this combination may have the most difficulty with a long-term commitment.

If you want a relationship with him, you’ll need to be open to last-minute changes and have an adventurous spirit. What it does mean is that he’ll expect to be given the trust and freedom to pursue his interests privately and go out with his friends by himself. But they’re all talk—they don’t want to actually get involved. Geminis’ inquisitiveness can indeed turn into prying into other people’s affairs.

Yeah, that means Gems can find it a challenge to connect with a more serious sign like Virgo. Perfectionist Virgo loves to keep a detailed schedule, while Gemini can be more spontaneous. Gem can find Virgo overly structured, while Virgo can find Gemini flaky. When it comes to compatibility, Scorpios are a great match for Geminis. They have endless depth that piques Gemini’s natural curiosity. A Scorpio won’t think twice about Gemini until they’re absolutely positive that they’re willing to commit though.

We got caught and had such serious trouble from our parents, which deterred us for small while until we found more trouble. Thankfully they survived but my cousin died. I was empty from that time on, the recklessness that was already inside of me became stronger and stronger. In my early twenties I thought I fell in love I got pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy. Although this relationship had been for 6 yrs with a once our son was born the violence and passion wore out and I realised I needed to get away. Oneside of me wants to marry him, I feel his for me, his gorgeous sexy, but I cannot totally except.

How to Attract a Scorpio Man as a Gemini Woman: 14 Tips

The Pisces Woman and Gemini man will go to extremes too. But, this is pretty much where the commonalities end. It’s the differences that make the relationship a rocky road indeed! If the couple overcomes what separates them, they can emerge a power couple in every way.

Geminis are social butterflies by nature, but sometimes they like to stay at home too. Don’t get used to them always wanting to party, and don’t hold them back if they just want to stay at home and watch movies. If you are introverted sugar daddie or anti-social by nature, be up front about this. Try to figure out some sort of compromise.An example of a compromise would be going to a smaller party, which would be less stressful to you, but still appeal to the Gemini.

Gemini Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility in 2023

It makes sense you’d want to pursue a Scorpio man, the mysterious and brooding bad boy of the zodiac—he’s so different from you, but that’s what makes him intriguing! Your airy charm and inquisitive nature are excellent tools for snagging this sensitive thinker’s attention and affection. Read on for a thorough list of ways to attract a Scorpio man and make yourself the object of his deep desire. Yes, a Pisces Woman and Gemini can be the best of people.

You can impress a Gemini man by teaching him something new and interesting. They can get bored easily and they love their freedom. This personality trait may sometime make them to leave their tasks unfinished. This social and talkative zodiac sign of a Gemini man may seem like he is giving you the run around at times as he is a hard zodiac sign to pin down. One of the signs a Gemini man secretly in love with you is he will want to partner up and share every aspect of life with you! A Gemini man views his relationships as a team effort.

I was EXTREMELY happy with my decision, then after dating for 6 months, he wanted a break. As a sensitive crab, my heart and soul were crushed. I looked toward what I had done vs. this is his nature. I gave him the space he needed and he came back and it was GREAT. Then he broke up with me on Jan. 18th 2016. I, was again devastated, but I kept my distance, didn’t call or text him and two weeks later he texted me that he “loved me and wanted to be with me in some capacity “.

He likes trying new things and will want his partner to be on the same page about that! He also wouldn’t hate if someone tookhimon a date somewhere new and cool. He wants someone who can match his interests and urges to try new things.

If you choose a Gemini man then it is your job to approach him directly as he may not approach you first. In relationships the Gemini men like gentle women. The most likely behavior of a Gemini man is good manners with controlled emotion. A Gemini man will show he likes you by being there for you. He will want to be a person you can really rely on for emotional support.