When asked, many guys will say they don’t know why they were suddenly turned off … they just were. The slow fade is part of dating, and it’s going to happen to you at some point, so be prepared. A guy who does that to you is someone you don’t want to be with anyway. This is all the more reason to date passionately detached. Don’t let yourself become too invested in any guy until he proves he’s worth your heart.

He isn’t over the relationship

In this case, he probably doesn’t know that you secretly like him which is the reason why he doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong. Lots of guys try to act as if they’re ready to move on while they’re still subconsciously in a relationship with their ex. So, when he pretends that he’s doing great but keeps talking about his ex all the time, then walk away. I can’t tell you how deep everything you just said resonates with not only the relationship I’m currently in but alllll of my past love affairs. The current guy that I’m dating is actually going well.


What does it mean when your boyfriend keeps talking about his ex to you? While certainly, sex is a part of a healthy relationship, it shouldn’t make up the bulk of it. Think to the last five times you’ve seen the guy you’re dating.

“Always watch out for signs that they’re using you as an emotional dress-up doll. What I mean is, some people have that one perfect ideal they want to fall in love with, sometimes it’s a fantasy, sometimes it’s an actual ex they’re not really over. The farther you push this – your theory he is still thinking about his ex and everything he does is about her, the more likely he will keep getting bothered by it or you will break up. If a guy starts talking about his ex on the first date, you can tell that he was forced to end the relationship with his ex-girlfriend and that he’s not happy about it.

It’s not a total no-no in the case that you have been in your current relationship for quite some time. By then, most, if not all of the residual feelings you had should have worn off. At this point, it’s fine to talk to your ex, just refrain from getting too chummy because it could dig things up. Some girls will justify looking through their boyfriend’s phone by saying their boyfriend is doing something wrong.

You may not even realize you’re doing it; it’s not something you express outright. But it’s there and it comes across, even in the slightest ways. It changes your vibe and your energy and guys feel this. Here is why this situation is so confusing for most women.

When someone jumps into a new relationship before they’re truly ready, it only sets both partners up for heartache. “You end up depriving your new partner of really getting to experience the real you,” Ponaman says. Meanwhile, the current partner will end up feeling a bit duped. Because of this, it’s worth figuring out where your partner stands with their ex.

We’re essentially reading all the verbal and nonverbal cues that they put out which gives us a feeling that they are digging us too. If he’s a little shyer or reserved, not all his body language will come across as confident. Body language is also going to be one of your biggest clues for how he feels towards you too. When we talk about body language, we’re basically referring to the physical behavior, expressions, and mannerisms we all use to communicate nonverbally. If he has only mentioned her in passing once or twice, that doesn’t mean a whole lot. Half the world are girls after all, so it makes sense that they’re going to come up in conversation once in a while.

Find someone that you can’t imagine living without. Your ex is only interested in using you as a friend. For him to tell you that he was getting Meet4U is free married shows his character. It was basically, emotionally slapping you in the face. Don’t try to “save”/ get back together with him.

Of course, in some situations, if a guy is talking about another girl to you it could be because he doesn’t have romantic feelings towards you. Particularly if something has happened with another girl that left him feeling angry, sad, or a bit bitter — him talking about it could be just a way to process his emotions. If he’s actually someone worth dating, he probably also dates people worth dating (like you!). If he says she lies, ask him if he felt that way when they started dating, or if you can ever meet her and see for yourself. We bet he’ll answer both of those questions with a big no. “Some guys have physically broken up, yet haven’t emotionally let go and they stay connected through conflict,” she said.

The funny thing is, now that I’m happy with myself, people think I’m lonely(I think they equate being single with loneliness). I was loneliest when I was in relationships actually. Never felt understood or supported by my past exes. All the same, it can be useful to see what other people think about relationship transparency — particularly when it comes to learning about a partner’s romantic and sexual history. To that end, on a recent Reddit thread, someone asked if it is important for people to know about their partner’s relationship history — and, if so, why.