I am home alone now and miss my girls so much but mostly miss the romance and feeling of being wanted and giving back too. The both very handsome, playful and fun to talk to, I am lost for words but so lonely and do not find man my age interesting. I am ready to love or be loved again but I am also on attacking younger guys in their late 20s, I am currently torn between 2 wonderful guys 28 and 29 years old. Just now I over heard him talking to some old uni friends and I was subtly not mentioned.

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But I know he’ll mature up eventually and become a great man, and I can’t wait to be with him then. Its a lot of waiting, because where I come from, women who don’t get married before 25 are considered ‘old’, but obv i have to make concessions for his age which I do happily. I am 40 and was approached a few months ago by a gorgeous guy. The way that he approached me was unconventional but cute nevertheless.

He likes his job, he likes his friends, and he likes being single just fine. He’s in no rush to be in a relationship and feels totally confident that at some point, he’ll meet the right girl and get married. Some will tell you that they’ve finally figured it all out and some more will say they feel hopeless for the first time in their lives. I think it comes down to where both of you are in life and what you both are looking for. It Is hard enough to find someone you are compatible with. Don’t let any kind of prejudice remarks get in the way , , it’s your life and it is only between you and that other person.


The only thing I would consider before totally falling is issues like kids, things like that. There are differences, but these can be wonderful for both partners if neither of you interpret them as bad. As worry, or anxiety, or jealousy, or fear arises, simply talk about these as a matter of normal life, rather than as a factor of age difference. These days eight years is not really an age gap. I know several couples who have more than eight years difference, besides, age has nothing to do with weather a couple will be happy together. More likely, a happier marriage would be with a wife who at least a few years older.

“I’ve never felt like I was in a relationship of equals.”

We made a date and we video chat and text all the time. The best part is I met him the old fashioned way, in person, in broad daylight so we know what each other looks like and every cute flaw was seen. So next time we see each other it won’t be a weird first date based on pictures.

For those who would call me a cougar, I remind them that that denotes a predatory instinct, which couldn’t be further from my personality. In fact, this man pursued me, declared his love for me and faith in our future long before I agreed to take him seriously. By then, he was declaring his intentions to friends/family/strangers/anyone who would listen…and he still does.

The statistics betting against the success of your relationship are quite high and many people wonder if they’ll ever find the right person for them. In considering the appropriate age of your next dating partner, consider that your age ranges will change as you get older. For example, when someone was considering marriage, the age mattered more than if someone was considering a one-night stand with a partner. So if someone is 30 years old, according to these rules, they should be dating people ranging from ages 22 – 46.

Share all your thoughts and feelings in the comments, please. Please keep the rules of r/dating_advice in mind while participating here. 13 women were asked to write about their lives as young, single-ish women in New York City, and given free reign over the subjects they udates.io wrote about. If someone makes you feel like less than a total catch in the beginning, most likely, they always will. It’s a harsh truth, but I’ve seen it play out with me and my friends time and again. Sure, there are always some compromises when it comes to sex.

I feel like women are the only ones I should take advice from. I’m really really shy, super respectful of boundaries, I’m not a sexual person, and I have a lot of hobbies including the gym and outdoor activities, and I am a workaholic. There’s just one thing The Total Package seems to be having a hard time finding—a girl worthy of his greatness. I’m a 27-year-old man from the United States. I’m constantly looking for new experiences, new music, etc. to enjoy, so please do show me your favorite bands and such.

He’s selfless, kind, thoughtful, supportive, and mature. Age does not determine your level of love anymore than going to a supermarket with no money will buy you groceries. I currently am 28, and I have it bad for a 22 year old. We were friends 1st but I don’t know if he’s ready for what I’m ready for. The sex is out of this world he’s in my top 3; ) I’ve also dated a man 9yrs older than me and it lasted 4 yes but I usually am not attracted to older men. I’m 43 and my guy is 27 .we get along well.i finally love him ..we talked , unmindful of the time..