In Order of the Phoenix, Molly Weasley hinted that Sirius was still devastated by the death of his BFF and had not been able to properly grieve while stuck in Azkaban. They would have been a great match, since they were both a bit reckless, a little bit arrogant, and had the same sense of humor. Actor Daniel Radcliffe may have settled down with his longtime girlfriend now, but he had quite the movie star life back when he was shooting the Harry Potter movies. In a 2012 interview to The Mirror, the actor admitted to having slept with Harry Potter ‘groupies’. Once you’ve both figured out which house you’d be in, the next step in this burgeoning relationship is to discuss what kind of animal your patronus would be. While you’ve suggested the Bahamas or maybe a European backpacking trip, the person you’re dating shoots you down because you still haven’t seen the castle used for filming in the movies.

Hang out with fellow Harry Potter fans, meet new people, make lasting friendships. The Dating for Muggles site offers a variety of relationships from friendships to more romantic contexts depending on the user’s preference. Those interested can sign up and create an online platform sharing details about themselves as well as their Harry Potter likes. Through a mutual link on the wizardly world, users can find companions to simply hang out with or take things to that next level. Get started today with a free consultation, our self-serve tools, or a dedicated program.

It exists. There is already a dating site for Harry Potter fans.

One of the reasons they remained close was because they have a lot in common, particularly their love for animals. Rowling really missed out with this relationship—she could have went for the whole star-crossed lovers aspect if she had Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley start dating in the series. Yes, Draco was sort of a villainous character in the beginning of the series, but by the end it was clear that he was forced into becoming a Death Eater and he didn’t believe in their ideology. It would’ve been awesome if Draco and Ginny started a forbidden romance while they were at Hogwarts, and that helped Draco make the decision to renounce his family’s beliefs in pureblood superiority. It also would have been an interesting way to redeem the character of Draco, and would be a good way to force the two families to reconcile their differences.

It would make sense that Bellatrix would be drawn to Tom/Lord Voldemort, and vice versa. They would have made one hell of a power couple in the wizarding world if Tom could actually feel love for another human being and if he didn’t try to become a dictator. Even though I awww’d over Tonks and Remus’s relationship in the books, I do think she would have been a good match for Bill if he hadn’t fallen in love with Fleur Delacour. I could easily see the two of them hitting it off if they were both single.

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Plus, they both seem pretty intelligent and I would imagine they would enjoy long intellectual conversations—Tonks might be clumsy and suck at household spells, but she’s an Auror, so she has to be fairly smart. As much as the character of Ginny Weasley irks me, I do think her less admirable qualities would have been tempered by Luna Lovegood’s influence if they were dating. If Ginny dated Luna, I imagine the latter’s calming presence would keep her fiery temper at bay while she would urge her girlfriend to be a bit more bold and outspoken in public. Even though there were hints that Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson were dating in the series, he ultimately wound up marrying Astoria Greengrass. Given that Pansy and Blaise’s futures after the fall of Lord Voldemort are unknown, it is easy to imagine that the two might have fallen in love and got married.

And anyone who’s seen A Very Potter Musical knows that Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders . If they make a Starkid Potter reference, lock it down then and there, because that is a person worth going on a second date with. Look, I know that most people of this generation like Harry Potter, the same way most people of this generation like breathing and experiencing the emotion of joy. But there is always a chance that you might be out on a first date with someone who doesn’t like Harry Potter.

Oftentimes, announcements, trailers, and the like will first be revealed on social media. Besides, if there’s one thing that social media is good for, it’s Harry Potter. In practice, this means lots of interesting reading, then writing essays on what you’ve learned.

She promises to protect you from Dementors and swears that she will always be there, Patronus at her side, to protect you no matter what evil magic comes your way. You mostly wish she’d protect you from her own mother, but, hey, it’s the thought that counts. While you can passively enjoy the content posted on the Harry Potter subreddit, don’t be afraid to join a house, start earning points, and chat with like-minded people. Read through the latest news and a wealth of features that explore every angle of the books and movies. From there, test yourself with quizzes and play some word searches and crosswords.

This means that it’ll take up less space on the devices of iOS and Android users while still retaining all of the app’s content. You should start to see their app working generally faster, especially when using our AR Sorting Ceremony experience. To enjoy a weekly dose of magic, dive into the Wizarding Weekly fanzine – new editions land every Wednesday. Inside each issue, you can expect the latest quizzes (with varying levels of difficulty!), puzzles, polls, trivia, videos and lots more about the stories you love – all delivered in one, neat package.

I have never liked the Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley pairing because it seemed so random. Ginny was just Ron’s annoying kid sister, and then all of a sudden she was this beautiful, snarky, and totally awesome Quidditch player. I felt as if there was no buildup, and it seemed very cliché to have the fan girl FINALLY date her idol. In my opinion, Harry would have been better off dating Luna Lovegood because she understood him.

Even so, it’s a good thing they didn’t have any scenes together. If the HP movies come up, they’ll probably want you to know right away that they don’t HATE the movies, but their feelings toward the movies are complicated…. I mean, on the one hand, movies are a different medium than books, and some of the casting is completely on point.

Rowling ditched the idea of Harry/Ginny for Dean/Ginny. After all, both Dean and Ginny were obsessed with Quidditch and seemed to be more interested in sports than they were with their studies. Sure, Harry loved Quidditch and was a great Seeker, but he has always been more interested in taking down the bad guys than winning matches. It made sense for young Daniel Radcliffe to develop a crush on a beautiful woman like Helena Bonham Carter. Among the many aspects of the cast’s lives that have been affected by the Harry Potter franchise, the movies have also had an impact on the actors’ love lives.

The feeling of having my voice heard by others is such a gratifying feeling. I also get paid for my articles which is really cool since it’s like a reward for writing quality content. Hi, my name is Hunter Johnstone and I am a response article writer for The Odyssey. I have been writing articles for the platform since November 2022. I attend Eastern Michigan University majoring in Media Studies and Journalism with a minor in Creative Writing.

Why the actual hell did we decide a parking garage would be a good idea? I mean, yeah the concept is great – but limiting the type of parking passes who are allowed to park in the garage is ridiculous. Maybe MSU should consider what other Universities do, and not allow freshman to bring their cars. Yeah it would piss a lot of people off, but it would certainly fix our parking problem.